
Thursday, September 14, 2017


Nur Jannah mahasiswa Departemen Fisika (
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Kuliah Perilaku Konsumen IKK233 September 2017 - Januari 2017
Departement of Family and Consumer Sciences,
College of Human Ecology (
Bogor Agricultural University IPB(

Dosen :
Prof Dr Ir Ujang Sumarwan, MSc ( |
Dr Ir Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA
Dr. Ir. Megawati Simanjuntak, MS
Ir. MD Djamiluddin, MSc
Ir. Retnanningsih, MS

Buku referensi
Ujang Sumarwan.2011. Perilaku Konsumen. Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Edisi 2 Cetakan 1. Jakarta(ID) : PT Ghalia Indonesia.

First Class of consumer behavior

First of all, my name is Nur Jannah, I am one of undergraduated student from department Physic batch 51, Math and Science College at Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor). I was born in Bogor, 17th of July 1996. I have spent my 21 years only in Bogor. This in my 4th year I’m studying in IPB. Not only for studying, I also joining Physics Student Association as a Chamberlain. I learn so much about organization, how to work with many different character and how to make such a teamwork.

This is my fourth supporting course I take after Forestry Etnobiology, Membrane Physics, and Relativity Theory. The first meeting of this course was held on Monday 4th of September 2017. This course start at 1 PM until 3.30 PM. I was surprised because the lecture of this course, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc, was so funny and made us laugh all the time. Mr. Ujang is also the writer of consumer behavior book above, the book we use for studying. At the class yesterday, he ask us to write about all we know about consumer and what thing is related to it in maximum three words. One by one the student give their answer and we can’t give a same answer or we will be punished. As time goes by, there are many answer that i never think before like wasting money, utility, perception, brand, eat and many others. So, what is consumer behavior?

Schiffman and Kanuk (2012), The term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumer displays in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of product and services that they expected will satisfy their needs.

Research in consumer behavior, there are three perspectives : decision-making perspective, experience perspective, and behavioral influence perspective.

In a simple thing, consumer behavior include, what they buy?, when they buy it?,where they buy it?, how often they buy it?, how often they use it?.

Every person have different way to be a consumer. In a psychologist process when a consumer want to spend they money that depend on religion, needed, personality, perspective, knowledge.

consumer decision process in consuming a product or services will be affected of three factors; marketing process undertaken the manufacturer, individual different of the consumer, and environmental factor.

Motivation can arise because of necessary from consumer. Necessary can arise because of consumer feel state of tension between what they felt needs and what they really feel need.

Two important application from motivation theory is segmentation and positioning.